using System;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
namespace NetCoreServer
/// HTTP server is used to create HTTP Web server and communicate with clients using HTTP protocol. It allows to receive GET, POST, PUT, DELETE requests and send HTTP responses.
/// Thread-safe.
public class HttpServer : TcpServer
/// Initialize HTTP server with a given IP address and port number
/// IP address
/// Port number
public HttpServer(IPAddress address, int port) : base(address, port) { Cache = new FileCache(); }
/// Initialize HTTP server with a given IP address and port number
/// IP address
/// Port number
public HttpServer(string address, int port) : base(address, port) { Cache = new FileCache(); }
/// Initialize HTTP server with a given DNS endpoint
/// DNS endpoint
public HttpServer(DnsEndPoint endpoint) : base(endpoint) { Cache = new FileCache(); }
/// Initialize HTTP server with a given IP endpoint
/// IP endpoint
public HttpServer(IPEndPoint endpoint) : base(endpoint) { Cache = new FileCache(); }
/// Get the static content cache
public FileCache Cache { get; }
/// Add static content cache
/// Static content path
/// Cache prefix (default is "/")
/// Cache filter (default is "*.*")
/// Refresh cache timeout (default is 1 hour)
public void AddStaticContent(string path, string prefix = "/", string filter = "*.*", TimeSpan? timeout = null)
timeout ??= TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
bool Handler(FileCache cache, string key, byte[] value, TimeSpan timespan)
var response = new HttpResponse();
response.SetHeader("Cache-Control", $"max-age={timespan.Seconds}");
return cache.Add(key, response.Cache.Data, timespan);
Cache.InsertPath(path, prefix, filter, timeout.Value, Handler);
/// Remove static content cache
/// Static content path
public void RemoveStaticContent(string path) { Cache.RemovePath(path); }
/// Clear static content cache
public void ClearStaticContent() { Cache.Clear(); }
protected override TcpSession CreateSession() { return new HttpSession(this); }
#region IDisposable implementation
// Disposed flag.
private bool _disposed;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposingManagedResources)
if (!_disposed)
if (disposingManagedResources)
// Dispose managed resources here...
// Dispose unmanaged resources here...
// Set large fields to null here...
// Mark as disposed.
_disposed = true;
// Call Dispose in the base class.
// The derived class does not have a Finalize method
// or a Dispose method without parameters because it inherits
// them from the base class.