using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
namespace NetCoreServer
/// SSL client is used to read/write data from/into the connected SSL server
/// Thread-safe
public class SslClient : IDisposable
/// Initialize SSL client with a given server IP address and port number
/// SSL context
/// IP address
/// Port number
public SslClient(SslContext context, IPAddress address, int port) : this(context, new IPEndPoint(address, port)) {}
/// Initialize SSL client with a given server IP address and port number
/// SSL context
/// IP address
/// Port number
public SslClient(SslContext context, string address, int port) : this(context, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(address), port)) {}
/// Initialize SSL client with a given DNS endpoint
/// SSL context
/// DNS endpoint
public SslClient(SslContext context, DnsEndPoint endpoint) : this(context, endpoint as EndPoint, endpoint.Host, endpoint.Port) {}
/// Initialize SSL client with a given IP endpoint
/// SSL context
/// IP endpoint
public SslClient(SslContext context, IPEndPoint endpoint) : this(context, endpoint as EndPoint, endpoint.Address.ToString(), endpoint.Port) {}
/// Initialize SSL client with a given SSL context, endpoint, address and port
/// SSL context
/// Endpoint
/// Server address
/// Server port
private SslClient(SslContext context, EndPoint endpoint, string address, int port)
Id = Guid.NewGuid();
Address = address;
Port = port;
Context = context;
Endpoint = endpoint;
/// Client Id
public Guid Id { get; }
/// SSL server address
public string Address { get; }
/// SSL server port
public int Port { get; }
/// SSL context
public SslContext Context { get; }
/// Endpoint
public EndPoint Endpoint { get; private set; }
/// Socket
public Socket Socket { get; private set; }
/// Number of bytes pending sent by the client
public long BytesPending { get; private set; }
/// Number of bytes sending by the client
public long BytesSending { get; private set; }
/// Number of bytes sent by the client
public long BytesSent { get; private set; }
/// Number of bytes received by the client
public long BytesReceived { get; private set; }
/// Option: dual mode socket
/// Specifies whether the Socket is a dual-mode socket used for both IPv4 and IPv6.
/// Will work only if socket is bound on IPv6 address.
public bool OptionDualMode { get; set; }
/// Option: keep alive
/// This option will setup SO_KEEPALIVE if the OS support this feature
public bool OptionKeepAlive { get; set; }
/// Option: TCP keep alive time
/// The number of seconds a TCP connection will remain alive/idle before keepalive probes are sent to the remote
public int OptionTcpKeepAliveTime { get; set; } = -1;
/// Option: TCP keep alive interval
/// The number of seconds a TCP connection will wait for a keepalive response before sending another keepalive probe
public int OptionTcpKeepAliveInterval { get; set; } = -1;
/// Option: TCP keep alive retry count
/// The number of TCP keep alive probes that will be sent before the connection is terminated
public int OptionTcpKeepAliveRetryCount { get; set; } = -1;
/// Option: no delay
/// This option will enable/disable Nagle's algorithm for SSL protocol
public bool OptionNoDelay { get; set; }
/// Option: receive buffer limit
public int OptionReceiveBufferLimit { get; set; } = 0;
/// Option: receive buffer size
public int OptionReceiveBufferSize { get; set; } = 8192;
/// Option: send buffer limit
public int OptionSendBufferLimit { get; set; } = 0;
/// Option: send buffer size
public int OptionSendBufferSize { get; set; } = 8192;
#region Connect/Disconnect client
private bool _disconnecting;
private SocketAsyncEventArgs _connectEventArg;
private SslStream _sslStream;
private Guid? _sslStreamId;
/// Is the client connecting?
public bool IsConnecting { get; private set; }
/// Is the client connected?
public bool IsConnected { get; private set; }
/// Is the client handshaking?
public bool IsHandshaking { get; private set; }
/// Is the client handshaked?
public bool IsHandshaked { get; private set; }
/// Create a new socket object
/// Method may be override if you need to prepare some specific socket object in your implementation.
/// Socket object
protected virtual Socket CreateSocket()
return new Socket(Endpoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
/// Connect the client (synchronous)
/// Please note that synchronous connect will not receive data automatically!
/// You should use Receive() or ReceiveAsync() method manually after successful connection.
/// 'true' if the client was successfully connected, 'false' if the client failed to connect
public virtual bool Connect()
if (IsConnected || IsHandshaked || IsConnecting || IsHandshaking)
return false;
// Setup buffers
_receiveBuffer = new Buffer();
_sendBufferMain = new Buffer();
_sendBufferFlush = new Buffer();
// Setup event args
_connectEventArg = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
_connectEventArg.RemoteEndPoint = Endpoint;
_connectEventArg.Completed += OnAsyncCompleted;
// Create a new client socket
Socket = CreateSocket();
// Update the client socket disposed flag
IsSocketDisposed = false;
// Apply the option: dual mode (this option must be applied before connecting)
if (Socket.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
Socket.DualMode = OptionDualMode;
// Call the client connecting handler
// Connect to the server
catch (SocketException ex)
// Call the client error handler
// Reset event args
_connectEventArg.Completed -= OnAsyncCompleted;
// Call the client disconnecting handler
// Close the client socket
// Dispose the client socket
// Dispose event arguments
// Call the client disconnected handler
return false;
// Apply the option: keep alive
if (OptionKeepAlive)
Socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.KeepAlive, true);
if (OptionTcpKeepAliveTime >= 0)
Socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Tcp, SocketOptionName.TcpKeepAliveTime, OptionTcpKeepAliveTime);
if (OptionTcpKeepAliveInterval >= 0)
Socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Tcp, SocketOptionName.TcpKeepAliveInterval, OptionTcpKeepAliveInterval);
if (OptionTcpKeepAliveRetryCount >= 0)
Socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Tcp, SocketOptionName.TcpKeepAliveRetryCount, OptionTcpKeepAliveRetryCount);
// Apply the option: no delay
if (OptionNoDelay)
Socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Tcp, SocketOptionName.NoDelay, true);
// Prepare receive & send buffers
// Reset statistic
BytesPending = 0;
BytesSending = 0;
BytesSent = 0;
BytesReceived = 0;
// Update the connected flag
IsConnected = true;
// Call the client connected handler
// Create SSL stream
_sslStreamId = Guid.NewGuid();
_sslStream = (Context.CertificateValidationCallback != null) ? new SslStream(new NetworkStream(Socket, false), false, Context.CertificateValidationCallback) : new SslStream(new NetworkStream(Socket, false), false);
// Call the session handshaking handler
// SSL handshake
if (Context.Certificates != null)
_sslStream.AuthenticateAsClient(Address, Context.Certificates, Context.Protocols, true);
else if (Context.Certificate != null)
_sslStream.AuthenticateAsClient(Address, new X509CertificateCollection(new[] { Context.Certificate }), Context.Protocols, true);
catch (Exception)
return false;
// Update the handshaked flag
IsHandshaked = true;
// Call the session handshaked handler
// Call the empty send buffer handler
if (_sendBufferMain.IsEmpty)
return true;
/// Disconnect the client (synchronous)
/// 'true' if the client was successfully disconnected, 'false' if the client is already disconnected
public virtual bool Disconnect()
if (!IsConnected && !IsConnecting)
return false;
// Cancel connecting operation
if (IsConnecting)
if (_disconnecting)
return false;
// Reset connecting & handshaking flags
IsConnecting = false;
IsHandshaking = false;
// Update the disconnecting flag
_disconnecting = true;
// Reset event args
_connectEventArg.Completed -= OnAsyncCompleted;
// Call the client disconnecting handler
// Shutdown the SSL stream
catch (Exception) {}
// Dispose the SSL stream & buffer
_sslStreamId = null;
// Shutdown the socket associated with the client
catch (SocketException) {}
// Close the client socket
// Dispose the client socket
// Dispose event arguments
// Update the client socket disposed flag
IsSocketDisposed = true;
catch (ObjectDisposedException) {}
// Update the handshaked flag
IsHandshaked = false;
// Update the connected flag
IsConnected = false;
// Update sending/receiving flags
_receiving = false;
_sending = false;
// Clear send/receive buffers
// Call the client disconnected handler
// Reset the disconnecting flag
_disconnecting = false;
return true;
/// Reconnect the client (synchronous)
/// 'true' if the client was successfully reconnected, 'false' if the client is already reconnected
public virtual bool Reconnect()
if (!Disconnect())
return false;
return Connect();
/// Connect the client (asynchronous)
/// 'true' if the client was successfully connected, 'false' if the client failed to connect
public virtual bool ConnectAsync()
if (IsConnected || IsHandshaked || IsConnecting || IsHandshaking)
return false;
// Setup buffers
_receiveBuffer = new Buffer();
_sendBufferMain = new Buffer();
_sendBufferFlush = new Buffer();
// Setup event args
_connectEventArg = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
_connectEventArg.RemoteEndPoint = Endpoint;
_connectEventArg.Completed += OnAsyncCompleted;
// Create a new client socket
Socket = CreateSocket();
// Update the client socket disposed flag
IsSocketDisposed = false;
// Apply the option: dual mode (this option must be applied before connecting)
if (Socket.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
Socket.DualMode = OptionDualMode;
// Update the connecting flag
IsConnecting = true;
// Call the client connecting handler
// Async connect to the server
if (!Socket.ConnectAsync(_connectEventArg))
return true;
/// Disconnect the client (asynchronous)
/// 'true' if the client was successfully disconnected, 'false' if the client is already disconnected
public virtual bool DisconnectAsync() => Disconnect();
/// Reconnect the client (asynchronous)
/// 'true' if the client was successfully reconnected, 'false' if the client is already reconnected
public virtual bool ReconnectAsync()
if (!DisconnectAsync())
return false;
while (IsConnected)
return ConnectAsync();
#region Send/Receive data
// Receive buffer
private bool _receiving;
private Buffer _receiveBuffer;
// Send buffer
private readonly object _sendLock = new object();
private bool _sending;
private Buffer _sendBufferMain;
private Buffer _sendBufferFlush;
private long _sendBufferFlushOffset;
/// Send data to the server (synchronous)
/// Buffer to send
/// Size of sent data
public virtual long Send(byte[] buffer) => Send(buffer.AsSpan());
/// Send data to the server (synchronous)
/// Buffer to send
/// Buffer offset
/// Buffer size
/// Size of sent data
public virtual long Send(byte[] buffer, long offset, long size) => Send(buffer.AsSpan((int)offset, (int)size));
/// Send data to the server (synchronous)
/// Buffer to send as a span of bytes
/// Size of sent data
public virtual long Send(ReadOnlySpan buffer)
if (!IsHandshaked)
return 0;
if (buffer.IsEmpty)
return 0;
// Sent data to the server
long sent = buffer.Length;
// Update statistic
BytesSent += sent;
// Call the buffer sent handler
OnSent(sent, BytesPending + BytesSending);
return sent;
catch (Exception)
return 0;
/// Send text to the server (synchronous)
/// Text string to send
/// Size of sent text
public virtual long Send(string text) => Send(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text));
/// Send text to the server (synchronous)
/// Text to send as a span of characters
/// Size of sent text
public virtual long Send(ReadOnlySpan text) => Send(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text.ToArray()));
/// Send data to the server (asynchronous)
/// Buffer to send
/// 'true' if the data was successfully sent, 'false' if the client is not connected
public virtual bool SendAsync(byte[] buffer) => SendAsync(buffer.AsSpan());
/// Send data to the server (asynchronous)
/// Buffer to send
/// Buffer offset
/// Buffer size
/// 'true' if the data was successfully sent, 'false' if the client is not connected
public virtual bool SendAsync(byte[] buffer, long offset, long size) => SendAsync(buffer.AsSpan((int)offset, (int)size));
/// Send data to the server (asynchronous)
/// Buffer to send as a span of bytes
/// 'true' if the data was successfully sent, 'false' if the client is not connected
public virtual bool SendAsync(ReadOnlySpan buffer)
if (!IsHandshaked)
return false;
if (buffer.IsEmpty)
return true;
lock (_sendLock)
// Check the send buffer limit
if (((_sendBufferMain.Size + buffer.Length) > OptionSendBufferLimit) && (OptionSendBufferLimit > 0))
return false;
// Fill the main send buffer
// Update statistic
BytesPending = _sendBufferMain.Size;
// Avoid multiple send handlers
if (_sending)
return true;
_sending = true;
// Try to send the main buffer
return true;
/// Send text to the server (asynchronous)
/// Text string to send
/// 'true' if the text was successfully sent, 'false' if the client is not connected
public virtual bool SendAsync(string text) => SendAsync(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text));
/// Send text to the server (asynchronous)
/// Text to send as a span of characters
/// 'true' if the text was successfully sent, 'false' if the client is not connected
public virtual bool SendAsync(ReadOnlySpan text) => SendAsync(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text.ToArray()));
/// Receive data from the server (synchronous)
/// Buffer to receive
/// Size of received data
public virtual long Receive(byte[] buffer) { return Receive(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); }
/// Receive data from the server (synchronous)
/// Buffer to receive
/// Buffer offset
/// Buffer size
/// Size of received data
public virtual long Receive(byte[] buffer, long offset, long size)
if (!IsHandshaked)
return 0;
if (size == 0)
return 0;
// Receive data from the server
long received = _sslStream.Read(buffer, (int)offset, (int)size);
if (received > 0)
// Update statistic
BytesReceived += received;
// Call the buffer received handler
OnReceived(buffer, 0, received);
return received;
catch (Exception)
return 0;
/// Receive text from the server (synchronous)
/// Text size to receive
/// Received text
public virtual string Receive(long size)
var buffer = new byte[size];
var length = Receive(buffer);
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 0, (int)length);
/// Receive data from the server (asynchronous)
public virtual void ReceiveAsync()
// Try to receive data from the server
/// Try to receive new data
private void TryReceive()
if (_receiving)
if (!IsHandshaked)
// Async receive with the receive handler
IAsyncResult result;
if (!IsHandshaked)
_receiving = true;
result = _sslStream.BeginRead(_receiveBuffer.Data, 0, (int)_receiveBuffer.Capacity, ProcessReceive, _sslStreamId);
} while (result.CompletedSynchronously);
catch (ObjectDisposedException) {}
/// Try to send pending data
private void TrySend()
if (!IsHandshaked)
bool empty = false;
lock (_sendLock)
// Is previous socket send in progress?
if (_sendBufferFlush.IsEmpty)
// Swap flush and main buffers
_sendBufferFlush = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _sendBufferMain, _sendBufferFlush);
_sendBufferFlushOffset = 0;
// Update statistic
BytesPending = 0;
BytesSending += _sendBufferFlush.Size;
// Check if the flush buffer is empty
if (_sendBufferFlush.IsEmpty)
// Need to call empty send buffer handler
empty = true;
// End sending process
_sending = false;
// Call the empty send buffer handler
if (empty)
// Async write with the write handler
_sslStream.BeginWrite(_sendBufferFlush.Data, (int)_sendBufferFlushOffset, (int)(_sendBufferFlush.Size - _sendBufferFlushOffset), ProcessSend, _sslStreamId);
catch (ObjectDisposedException) {}
/// Clear send/receive buffers
private void ClearBuffers()
lock (_sendLock)
// Clear send buffers
_sendBufferFlushOffset= 0;
// Update statistic
BytesPending = 0;
BytesSending = 0;
#region IO processing
/// This method is called whenever a receive or send operation is completed on a socket
private void OnAsyncCompleted(object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
if (IsSocketDisposed)
// Determine which type of operation just completed and call the associated handler
switch (e.LastOperation)
case SocketAsyncOperation.Connect:
throw new ArgumentException("The last operation completed on the socket was not a receive or send");
/// This method is invoked when an asynchronous connect operation completes
private void ProcessConnect(SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
IsConnecting = false;
if (e.SocketError == SocketError.Success)
// Apply the option: keep alive
if (OptionKeepAlive)
Socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.KeepAlive, true);
if (OptionTcpKeepAliveTime >= 0)
Socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Tcp, SocketOptionName.TcpKeepAliveTime, OptionTcpKeepAliveTime);
if (OptionTcpKeepAliveInterval >= 0)
Socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Tcp, SocketOptionName.TcpKeepAliveInterval, OptionTcpKeepAliveInterval);
if (OptionTcpKeepAliveRetryCount >= 0)
Socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Tcp, SocketOptionName.TcpKeepAliveRetryCount, OptionTcpKeepAliveRetryCount);
// Apply the option: no delay
if (OptionNoDelay)
Socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Tcp, SocketOptionName.NoDelay, true);
// Prepare receive & send buffers
// Reset statistic
BytesPending = 0;
BytesSending = 0;
BytesSent = 0;
BytesReceived = 0;
// Update the connected flag
IsConnected = true;
// Call the client connected handler
// Create SSL stream
_sslStreamId = Guid.NewGuid();
_sslStream = (Context.CertificateValidationCallback != null) ? new SslStream(new NetworkStream(Socket, false), false, Context.CertificateValidationCallback) : new SslStream(new NetworkStream(Socket, false), false);
// Call the session handshaking handler
// Begin the SSL handshake
IsHandshaking = true;
if (Context.Certificates != null)
_sslStream.BeginAuthenticateAsClient(Address, Context.Certificates, Context.Protocols, true, ProcessHandshake, _sslStreamId);
else if (Context.Certificate != null)
_sslStream.BeginAuthenticateAsClient(Address, new X509CertificateCollection(new[] { Context.Certificate }), Context.Protocols, true, ProcessHandshake, _sslStreamId);
_sslStream.BeginAuthenticateAsClient(Address, ProcessHandshake, _sslStreamId);
catch (Exception)
// Call the client disconnected handler
/// This method is invoked when an asynchronous handshake operation completes
private void ProcessHandshake(IAsyncResult result)
IsHandshaking = false;
if (IsHandshaked)
// Validate SSL stream Id
var sslStreamId = result.AsyncState as Guid?;
if (_sslStreamId != sslStreamId)
// End the SSL handshake
// Update the handshaked flag
IsHandshaked = true;
// Try to receive something from the server
// Check the socket disposed state: in some rare cases it might be disconnected while receiving!
if (IsSocketDisposed)
// Call the session handshaked handler
// Call the empty send buffer handler
if (_sendBufferMain.IsEmpty)
catch (Exception)
/// This method is invoked when an asynchronous receive operation completes
private void ProcessReceive(IAsyncResult result)
if (!IsHandshaked)
// Validate SSL stream Id
var sslStreamId = result.AsyncState as Guid?;
if (_sslStreamId != sslStreamId)
// End the SSL read
long size = _sslStream.EndRead(result);
// Received some data from the server
if (size > 0)
// Update statistic
BytesReceived += size;
// Call the buffer received handler
OnReceived(_receiveBuffer.Data, 0, size);
// If the receive buffer is full increase its size
if (_receiveBuffer.Capacity == size)
// Check the receive buffer limit
if (((2 * size) > OptionReceiveBufferLimit) && (OptionReceiveBufferLimit > 0))
_receiveBuffer.Reserve(2 * size);
_receiving = false;
// If zero is returned from a read operation, the remote end has closed the connection
if (size > 0)
if (!result.CompletedSynchronously)
catch (Exception)
/// This method is invoked when an asynchronous send operation completes
private void ProcessSend(IAsyncResult result)
if (!IsHandshaked)
// Validate SSL stream Id
var sslStreamId = result.AsyncState as Guid?;
if (_sslStreamId != sslStreamId)
// End the SSL write
long size = _sendBufferFlush.Size;
// Send some data to the server
if (size > 0)
// Update statistic
BytesSending -= size;
BytesSent += size;
// Increase the flush buffer offset
_sendBufferFlushOffset += size;
// Successfully send the whole flush buffer
if (_sendBufferFlushOffset == _sendBufferFlush.Size)
// Clear the flush buffer
_sendBufferFlushOffset = 0;
// Call the buffer sent handler
OnSent(size, BytesPending + BytesSending);
// Try to send again if the client is valid
catch (Exception)
#region Session handlers
/// Handle client connecting notification
protected virtual void OnConnecting() {}
/// Handle client connected notification
protected virtual void OnConnected() {}
/// Handle client handshaking notification
protected virtual void OnHandshaking() {}
/// Handle client handshaked notification
protected virtual void OnHandshaked() {}
/// Handle client disconnecting notification
protected virtual void OnDisconnecting() {}
/// Handle client disconnected notification
protected virtual void OnDisconnected() {}
/// Handle buffer received notification
/// Received buffer
/// Received buffer offset
/// Received buffer size
/// Notification is called when another part of buffer was received from the server
protected virtual void OnReceived(byte[] buffer, long offset, long size) {}
/// Handle buffer sent notification
/// Size of sent buffer
/// Size of pending buffer
/// Notification is called when another part of buffer was sent to the server.
/// This handler could be used to send another buffer to the server for instance when the pending size is zero.
protected virtual void OnSent(long sent, long pending) {}
/// Handle empty send buffer notification
/// Notification is called when the send buffer is empty and ready for a new data to send.
/// This handler could be used to send another buffer to the server.
protected virtual void OnEmpty() {}
/// Handle error notification
/// Socket error code
protected virtual void OnError(SocketError error) {}
#region Error handling
/// Send error notification
/// Socket error code
private void SendError(SocketError error)
// Skip disconnect errors
if ((error == SocketError.ConnectionAborted) ||
(error == SocketError.ConnectionRefused) ||
(error == SocketError.ConnectionReset) ||
(error == SocketError.OperationAborted) ||
(error == SocketError.Shutdown))
#region IDisposable implementation
/// Disposed flag
public bool IsDisposed { get; private set; }
/// Client socket disposed flag
public bool IsSocketDisposed { get; private set; } = true;
// Implement IDisposable.
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposingManagedResources)
// The idea here is that Dispose(Boolean) knows whether it is
// being called to do explicit cleanup (the Boolean is true)
// versus being called due to a garbage collection (the Boolean
// is false). This distinction is useful because, when being
// disposed explicitly, the Dispose(Boolean) method can safely
// execute code using reference type fields that refer to other
// objects knowing for sure that these other objects have not been
// finalized or disposed of yet. When the Boolean is false,
// the Dispose(Boolean) method should not execute code that
// refer to reference type fields because those objects may
// have already been finalized."
if (!IsDisposed)
if (disposingManagedResources)
// Dispose managed resources here...
// Dispose unmanaged resources here...
// Set large fields to null here...
// Mark as disposed.
IsDisposed = true;